You are probably can a two year old demand to start potty training? Well, he went seven times without me asking him- he pulled down his pants and just said - mommy potty! we go racing towards their pottys ( that I already had set up..because ALL the books say to set them up to get them "used" to seeing it).
I ran after them..fully not prepared what was going to happen. I didn't have rewards set up (like all the books say), I didn't have the books to read to them (like all the books say to have), I didn't have the Clorox wipes and I didn't have their clean diapers/wipes. Oh dear this your sense of humor? Okay, I can do this, I have twins, I have dealt with harder things...right???
Nicolas: Wanted all his clothes off, went potty immediately and was so proud.
Christian: Sat on it, got bored pretty quick, especially when I mentioned they were going to get stickers for going potty. Christian looked at me like .. "What a sticker? Are you kidding me? I get them all the time" the next thing I know, Christian is high tailing it out of the room without a diaper.
Oh crap... another quick "twin" decision to make. Why didn't I shut the doors? Do I help Nicolas clean up and pray he doesn't dump his potty or do I chase Christian so he doesn't pee in the house? Thinking I made the right decision, I stayed with Nicolas thinking it would be only a second or two and you guessed it.. Christian "proudly" went potty on my carpet and had to show me!! My poor disgusting closet.
1 hour later it starts all over. They are both on potty. I have my stickers and diapers, this isn't going to be so bad. Nicolas goes potty - yipee and Christian just looks at me.. smiles and takes off again! Shoot - why didn't I shut the bedroom door again? How did I forgot the door again? I am praising Nicolas and begging him to stay there because I need to go get Christian. Christian quickly made the loop around our house and peed again on the tile floor. ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME -you peed on the floor- why, you were just on the potty!!! This is happening so fast. This is so gross. I jump up and of course, no Clorox wipes, I grab Christian and quickly put his diaper on. I am putting his diaper on Nicolas takes apart the potty and dumps it on the tile floor. AGHHH!
The next time I have an "ingenious" idea.. I will give them chocolate if they both stayed on the potty and go. Now... all the books say " DO NOT GIVE REWARD" if they do not go. Do these authors have twins ? I promised myself, I would still try to follow all the research - no reward if you don't go. Do they realize that the one who does not get the reward will have a knock down, world shattering tantrum that results in a HORRIBLE morning? Christian, didn't go but insisted he still get his chocolate. INSISTED. I knew I couldn't give in.. could I??? He had a complete melt down! It got so bad that Nicolas looked at me and said " Mommy Chocolate..Christian potty". Even Nicolas was routing for his brother to get chocolate. I explained have to go on the potty to get chocolate! Oh my lord, please tell me you have a sense of humor up there and that you will let this be it for the day...please..please I pray.
My prayers must of worked because after lunch, I finally came up with an idea. Why not give two rewards! One for trying and a different one for going! Why didn't anyone write that before? So now I am fully equipped and I have the diapers, chocolate, stickers, Clorox wipes, books and all the doors locked. Hey, if you have two kids going at once, why not two rewards? Good news Nicolas went potty seven times so far today and Christian once ( well 4 times if you count the floors)! I am still praying someone will come up with a written manual (step by step) on how to successfully potty train boys! I am exhausted, tired and probably burned enough calories chasing them to lose 5 lbs and its only day one!
ReplyDeleteThat is the most HILARIOUS thing i have read in a long time!!!
Please know i am laughing with you, not at you, as I too will be potty training twin boys in the not too distant future. My boys aren't interested yet, and like Christian, would rather pee on the floor! - which they do at every opportunity. Usually on my bath mat, before or after a shower, or against their bedroom door, which ofcourse runs down the door onto the carpet!
Please know, you are not alone in the pee pee fascination of the male toddler! (twice over!)
Can you pleease write that book that you want, or atleast a summary on your blog, so when my boys decide it's time to potty train, we can get some tips from you. I've already learnt a lot..... thanks!!
I have to tell you potty training twin girls is not much easier...I think I waited too long and now it's a power struggle. Wish me luck, and thanks for your sweet compliment on my blog. Your boys are so CUTE!!!:)
randomally surfing the net, i came accross this book..... might be worth it???