Saturday, August 20, 2011

Flippers N Fins!

Ken and the boys ventured down to Grandma Paula's today for some TLC and Nicolas / Christian were so excited when they saw their special treats! Flippers and Fins! Grandma had been on the look-out for a long time for this special gear (since the boys mentioned they wanted to be scuba divers) she even found it in the colors they prefer! It was a smash hit! Ken even took each of them down to the bottom of the pool to get a toy and he had them reach and grab the toy..yes we are talking deep end here and ...yes I had a HEART ATTACK when he told me that one!!! You don't even want to know how that conversation that one for a rainy day. But the boys are doing really good swimming, we go probably about 4 times a week now... (Sigh on the dreaded sunblock battle).

Do you recognize these little divers?

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