Okay....so I realize when you have kids the whole family will say the most random, weirdest, funniest things out of nowhere! These guys have the funniest sense of humor and continue to shock us with their humor.
1.) Nicolas did not want to take a shower one night, it was his turn and he said: "Christian Not Done...Christian's Still Smelly Mommy"!
2.) For some reason they refuse to call a Bra..well a Bra. They call it a Boobie! Imagine hearing this random conversation between Nicolas and Christian (Nicolas has one of my bra's around his head that he got from the clean laundry- running around the house as I am cooking dinner). Nicolas to Christian: "I have Mommy's Boobie"! Christian" I want Mommy's Boobie" Nicolas: "Mommy- can Christian have a Boobie?"
3.)I am changing Christians diaper and he "tooted". He snickered at me and said "I did a butt blaster". I guess Ken and I have a sick sense of humor because we always laugh like little kids when they "toot" a.k.a...let out some gas and call them Butt Blasters.
4.)I woke up one morning and my hair was crazy as ever. Christian: "You look like a Moose Mommy". Me:"What -Why, having no idea what I look like". Christian: "Your hair all crazy, you have horns"! Seriously..is that how you want to start out the day?
5.) Nicolas walked up to me out of the blue and said: "Mommy I am a big boy"! Me: You can't be, not yet! Nicolas: "I am a big boy, going to be REAL TALL"! Christian runs in and chimes the same thing. Me:"You guys can't grow tall because how is Mommy going to pick you up and hold you?" Christian: "I get a ladder and put it against clouds. I come down to you". He meant he was going to be as big as the Giant on Jack and The Bean Stalk"!
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