1.) Oh my "Ticolas Nicolas" - I love that you have this "old soul" about you and seem so wise beyond your years. The moment you were born everyone said you were an old soul, the way you look into everyone's eyes so deeply, intent and meaningful. This week you have come up to me and shared so many expressions. For example yesterday you were having alittle tantrum and you matter of factly stated to me, "Mommy, Ney -Ney crying, very sad".
2.) I love you because whenever you see me in the morning, you run to find me and the first thing you do is reach up, give me the biggest hug and say "morning mom"! It starts my day with a smile and thankful with the feeling that I am blessed to have you as my son. I love that when daddy comes home from work you do the "Happy Dance" and run to give him a hug or ask for one if you are in your chair eating dinner.
3.) You get so excited over trains and trucks to the point where you break out into your "Happy Dance" and you can't catch your breath from excitement. If you have never seen Nicolas's happy dance, click on the link to Yo-Gabba Gabba and watch the video of him busting a move! It always makes me laugh.
4.) All of a sudden you are talking so much all of a sudden and saying about 6-7 word sentences. Including telling me what you DON'T WANT TO DO or DON'T LIKE. Like today, you kept saying: "I DON'T want to go to the store - want to play"!
5.) You love to read and will sit there for sometimes up to 30 minutes reading your favorite books. Most of them are Dr. Seuss books.
6.) I love that you hate to be in "time out" and try so hard not to get put in there. You have so much self control for a two year old. Although, you like to tattle on your brother for everything!
7.) You have the most incredible laugh in the world and love to be tickled. You have such a bright happy smile.
8.) You have this soft spoken voice in the morning when you wake up before Christian and patiently wait until he wakes up. Today, you sang Old McDonald so softly before he woke up.
9.) Because you are so tall, I can squat down and you just wrap you arms around my neck and give me the biggest hug. You sometimes hold that hug for a minute at a time. You love hugs and snuggling.
10.) I love that you reach out to teach Christen so many new things and say "Come on Christian" or if Christen says " What's that Ney- Ney" You then say...."Ummm" "Ummm" like you are truly thinking about it. I also love the way when I ask you a yes or no question for yes you respond with "Yeah" full of excitement or "Noooooo" very dramatic!
Let's just say "I love you to the moon and back" my little man! There are so many reasons why I love you that I could write forever. Only two years ago you were born at 5 lbs and 12 oz and now you weigh 29 lbs and are so tall coming up just above my waist now!
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