For example, last night I woke up to what sounded like bullets hitting the window. I jumped up and turned on the TV and saw that we were under a Tornado Watch. Holy Crap....Holy Crap.. I have to wake up Ken!! It's 1:00 in the morning..should I wake him up to be in my world of hysteria, especially since we have to get up tomorrow at our normal Monday morning time... but my anxiety is hitting a all time high.... yes.. I MUST WAKE HIM UP.
This is how it went:
Me to Ken: Ken..Ken wake up, we are under a Tornado Watch, I think hail is hitting the windows. I think we may get a tornado!
Ken: Its fine, its just rain hitting the windows.
Me With Rapid Fire Questions : How do you know, were you awake? Did you hear it? It was loud? Do you think a tornado is coming? How can I see if its coming when its dark? Do you think the umbrella will flip the table outside? It sounds like bombs are going off in the distance, maybe that is a tornado?
Ken: It's fine, I heard it, go back to sleep, its just rain and thunder.
Me: I am, you didn't REALLY hear it did you??
Ken- back to sleep - or so I thought. Meanwhile, I should be sleeping because I was just sick in bed the past two days but I start pacing the house like a caged cougar. My thoughts are:
- I can't see outside- its too dark. A tornado?
- Should I get our important papers?
- Will the wind blow off the roof upstairs and take the boys like the Wizard of the Oz?
- Will a tree crash in upstairs?
- Did I mail the property insurance?
- Maybe I should wake up the boys and bring them downstairs?
- Do I need a snack - I am getting hungry.
I go upstairs and watch the news and wait...wait and wait.. thinking, I know a tornado is going to hit.. the weirdest things always happen to me. I should be prepared. Finally, 40 minutes later after I have every scenario visioned out in my head the finally passes and I start to fall back to my blissful sleep which I desperately need- then I hear : "Mommy up, Daddy up". Nicolas woke up and wants to be rocked (which I secretly love to rock him and so does Ken). This time he doesn't want me to rock- he wants Ken. Ken hears him and comes upstairs to the rescue and helps put Nicolas back to sleep.
We say to Nicolas: " Did you hear the Thunder Boomers"
He says: "Yeah - Thunder Boomers. Daddy Rock, Daddy Rock"
So sweet! He didn't seem scared at all, he just wanted to Rock. I am so happy they are not scared of thunder like their mom.
I ask Ken : Have you been up this whole time too?
Ken: Yes, I kinda of knew Nicolas would wake up after the storm for some reason.
Ken: I am going to go outside and put down the umbrella on the patio.
Me: NOW...that the storm is over ?
Ken : Yeah..I wasn't going to go out in the storm! Go back to sleep, everything if fine.
I guess he had a point, every was fine and he probably knew to stay out of my "internal" storm that was going on for the past 40 minutes! It was just another April Shower ( well thunder boomers) bringing May flowers.
Here's a few photos of how April Showers Bring May Flowers.... my little water boys helping me take care of my plants.