Fast forward to the past few weeks...Yes, I am loving it. Just like with how I was with Facebook a few years ago. Was a hater, now a lover. I am seeing all these cool things people have made on Pinterest and over the past few weeks I kept asking the moms "Where did you find that one"...etc... Everyone kept saying Pinterest. Pinterest. Pinterest. Ken even got on me when I needed an idea for something and said- just go search pinterest BUT I was so confused by it. I am like that with everything technical lately. I didn't get the whole "app" thing, Itouch, Ipad...until this year. I just kept saying to Ken-" That phone is cool, I want to do that "flick" of the finger that everyone does with there phones, it looks cool and it became a joke whenever the word "app" was mentioned on a commerical. Now I get it.
Then.. yesterday I woke up to - Whalaaa- I was accepted to Pinterest!!I jumped from the table and started whooping around like I was at a dance club. "Oh Yeah, Oh Yeah...doing the fist pump". Ken just said "oh boy here we go" In fact, a few weeks ago one of Kens colleague's sent him a link from it on this idea (photo above) for me as an idea for the boys teachers!! It was great, I changed it a little and for $3.00, I now had my little gifts for the boys teacher. Can't beat that! Hey...maybe I will pin it...ha!ha!!
I am hosting the boys Xmas party at school this year and even found some cute ideas for activities to do.....but holy cow it is addicting and I do not like that, nor do I have time for it so I don't know how this is going to work out.
Last night at a party, my girlfriend said "Hey I saw you were following me and got on Pinterest" I started laughing because I felt like a stalker!! I am a stalker!! I was just in shock that when I logged on I could magically see all these people I know who were pinning stuff. Still...again..I don't get it but I "pinned" a few things. She even said to me as she whipped out her Iphone "Look there is a App for pinterest". We started laughing because I was getting all flustered as she was showing me how to use this app. But I will prevail, I will stay with technology, I will not get ancient I WILL PREVAIL!!! Ps..thanks Vanessa for the demonstration last night!
This one is so cute because it says "Thank you for helping us grow this year" . Then below it says "Love always, Nicolas and Christian". It is a live plant with a pencil and a stick-thing-a ma-gig- I made. Perfect for a teacher! So if you need a gift for your preschool teacher or anyone- pretty cool!
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