Tuesday, September 20, 2011

"The Twins"

Each day when the boys get home from school, their bags are filled with cute little goodies. It is usually filled with their art work, what they are working on this week, notes from the school but today I had the sweetest surprise that brought a tear to my eye because it was especially for my boys. I knew that no other child received this special piece of paper. It was a poem, just for them. I had a tear in my eye because at that very moment, I truly knew their teachers "Got It". They get how much I want each of my children to grow and have their own identity, not just be "The Twins". I read it to the boys and told them it was from Ms. Lora and Ms. Cassidady and Christian smiled and said.."Mommy is that a prayer". Made it that much sweeter. This is what it read (I am not sure if she made it up or it is a actual poem):

but I am "me"
and he is "he"
that's two!
Each one, though like the other, still unique.
Build in that snse of self.
Be sure our roots are separate.
If we're too much entangled we cannot go our different ways.
Relate to each of us as though we were the only one,
without comparison......
without expectations.
Each of us a whole, not just a half.
We will feel free, and to enjoy the specialness of being twins.

Could they be any different?

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