Thursday, May 5, 2011

Best Friends

This week has been a living hell with kids both being sick, not much sleep and lots of crying through out the day and night but I keep watching this video in between the barf fests and it brightens my day! It doesn't reduce my anxiety of them being sick but it helps! Hope it brightens your day!! This video right here, makes it all worth the work of having twins and yes it is HARD, INSANE work! I hope they always feel this way about each other for the rest of their lives. We all need a good BEST FRIEND! I can't get it to work on this blog for some reason so if it doesn't work for you click on this link.

1 comment:

  1. Awwww too cute!
    My boys do not show affection like that, it is so lovely that your boys are like that.
    My two just watched that video twice. Ben says to Ethan "you best my friend Ethan" (exactly the same grammar he just heard Christian use).
    Then Ben says "I want to give Ethan a cuddle like those boys" and attempts to cuddle his brother. Ethan says no, pushes him away, and now, several minutes later Ethan is laying on the floor crying saying "I don't want him to give me a cuddle." over and over. Ethan is tired, but poor Ben :( though he doesn't seem to care, he's gone back to playing trains like he was doing before!

    Sorry to hear your boys have been sick, it is never a nice week with two sick toddlers.

    Oh, an happy Birthday to the boys, big 3!! Hasn't it gone fast :(
