I don't freak unless it's so loud when I first wake up or I am getting a headache or I hear a cough, see a buggery nose (because I know we will be inside for a week) or if it's something serious/ real danger like bike going into the street. Let's just recap... they listen more, fight less, and mommy isn't as worried = a good time.
Here are some things that have occurred this week:
2.) Nicolas got peed on by a puppy at the party. Side note: my girlfriend has a cute new puppy who as soon as he saw Nicolas sitting on the floor got excited and ran up to him (over him) and PEED. I instinctively picked him up, making sure he was fine, knowing he was I couldn't stop laughing! Wiped off his feet and we were good to go. See, when you have boys, you get used to weird things happening, is it wrong I thought it was hysterical?
3.) Right before bed the other night Christian said.."Mom..you are so pretty, I like your sparkly shirt, it's cool". I am thinking... really...I am glad you think I am pretty, it gives me hope. However, earlier in the week he told me my stomach was swishy like a clam, then leans out his belly and says sarcastically to me "BIG BELLY"!! Kids say it like it is.
4.) The boys are obsessed with the word "butt". Having two boys at the same age... makes it even worse because they encourage each other to sing butt songs, pinch each others butt, laugh and call each other stinky butt and do anything to make themselves laugh with the word butt in it. I try so HARD to teach them not to say the word like that and educate them without a reaction that it is a normal part of the body, just like eyes, ears, nose, etc...
It's hard to teach them at times though when they have a father who just walked up to me and said "Do you have tickets to the show"? I said what show? He turned around, pulled down his pants and said "THE BUTT SHOW". Literally, just as I was blogging this. I swear...3 kids!! I think the twins are rubbing off on Ken.
At first when the kids were obsessing with the word "butt", I called all my friends with boys and sister and nervously asked.." Do your kids get obsessed with butts by chance"? Internally thinking, please Lord let them all say yes so they don't think I am some weirdo. Thankfully every single one said.... "OH YEAH...they are obsessed". PHEWWWW, I wasn't the only one! Now when they call each other stinky butt, march around the house with their guitars strumming a note to a made up butt song, I can correct their words, explain but know as a parent it's normal. How do I correct my husband?
5.) We were at a small water park with some of our friends. Nicolas ran over to a bush, pulled down his pants and peed. As I ran after him mortified from the evil eyes of moms I didn't know, Christian caught up and was right next to him doing the same. They were laughing saying.."You spray the bug, I will get the other".. snickering! I know it wasn't appropriate and I did say "we can't do this unless emergency purposes" but then they came back to me with "Why not, we have done it before"? Oooops, busted, it is true, I have in the past when no one was around.
6.) Nicolas randomly walked up to me, hugged me tight and into my ear (whispering)..."You are the best mommy, ever". Ken heard it and immediately he starting getting teary eyed. I guess we have a family of mushy hearts.
7.) They love riding bikes. Today Nicolas crashed into Christian. Now every time Nicolas comes near him (which is often) Christian jumps off his bike and yells, "He's gonna crash into me". As if his brother did it on purpose? But now, I see if Nicolas wants to bother Christian, he may do it on purpose to see him jump off the bike. It does look kind of funny.
8.) They have been taking 3 hour naps!!! AWESOME!
9.) The battle of the sunblock has begun now that it is summer. Although so much easier, still a battle with Christian. It is like I am pouring acid on the kid. Again, way better than when they were 1 or 2 because I can reason but there is still a battle.
10.) We have butterfly cocoon's as our kitchen table center piece, how times have changed
"pre-kids". We watched the caterpillar's cocoon the past two days. Now, Ken has decided to place the butterfly house where the cocoon's are hanging from the light at our kitchen dinner table so that we can watch. Okay...again...house of boys. Gross, but as a mom, gotta let boys be boys because it will be exciting to see them turn.
11.) Only changing maybe 3 diaper's a week if that!! Yipee!! Nicolas has more confidence!! It's fabulous, it's wonderful, it's a HUGE money saver! Christian slept with no diaper at naptime today!
12.) Lastly, speaking of which...getting them to go on the potty in the morning/after naps is my new TORTURE. They just want to get downstairs and play. They will fight to the bitter end to NOT sit on the potty. One of the tough parts!
13. ) One final thing..my house is loud as shit, the noise doesn't stop but when I get a headache and want to escape I have to remember, it's better than no noise. Questions asked yesterday:
A.) Mom why do giraffee's have spots?
B.) Why does a elephant have a trunk?
C.) Does a Kangaroo have a BUTT? WHERE? WHY?
I love all of these. I still cannot believe Stan pissed on nicolas. Grrrrr, that dog!!! :shakes fist at Dustin:::: I'm so glad you guys came down!!
ReplyDeleteI love number 8!! But all of these are fantastic! Love you guys <3