Thursday, December 24, 2009

Having Twins is the Best!

I love having two little boys at the same age- especially this age. Simply the best. It is so special seeing their bond development and how they treasure each other. Everyday, they do something so sweet that it brings tears to our eyes. They love holding hands when they go places. Yesterday I took Christian for a walk by himself and on our way home Ken took Nicolas out to see us and when Nicolas saw us, he came running as fast as he could....calling for Christian. Yes, it is hard work juggling two little guys and giving them my whole being to balance the attention to help them grow to be happy little men......and I don't have much of a life right now but it is so worth it when I see how happy they are and how much love they have for each other and us. Today Nicolas walked up to me, gave me a big hug and said "love u mommy"! I just melted and I couldn't hold back the tears. That first year was such a blur for us, now I can actually take the time and enjoy every moment with them. THANK GOODNESS it is getting EASIER!!!

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