Monday, July 25, 2011

Date Night!

Finally...Ken and I went on a date! Now for most of you, it probably is not a big deal but Ken and I figured out it had been more than 3- 5 months! When we have the opportunity, usually I am so exhausted I would rather order out and watch a movie here but being out really made me realize how important it is to get out! I drank one of those 5 hour energy shots, which I have never had and boy did I have the energy...more than enough..actually too much. It was like I had hyper focus, as I zipped around the house like a lunatic. I think I did more that afternoon than I normally do in a week. It was a day I felt like I accomplished so much and checked everything off the list. Yes, I am a list person. It is a huge joke in this house because I have lists for everything. I even at times AFTER I have done something, if it wasn't on the list I have to add to the list to cross off! Crazy right? Okay, got off the topic here. It was such a rare treat to get out, we had to take a photo and we decided after a great night, we are going to do this several times a month. Thanks Grandma for watching the boys!


  1. You look so gorgeous! I'm glad you went out!!

  2. I love your hair!! So glad you did this. You need it!
