Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Toy Story!

I think I was in the movie "Toy Story 3". Two nights ago, Ken and I decided to clean out - clear out the boys toys. As I started, I just sat there and stared at the toys, not knowing which ones to get rid of because I knew each and every toy, how the boys individually use the different toys, even if it is only on occasion. I felt frozen and couldn't even to begin to process which ones to get rid of. Ken kept saying "I can see this isn't going to work, your not getting rid of anything"! He would ask me - "How about this - How about that?" I would quickly respond with a "NO - we can't get rid of that" and use my persuasive sales skills on why we couldn't get rid of it. Eventually, I got through it and it took us almost 2 1/2 hours to clear out a huge box. I even snapped these photos of the toys that they LOVE so much, that they have used since they were about 10 months old (For memory purposes). The ones in these photos, mostly I could not part with except maybe 3. Which I was so happy that I didn't get rid of the farm/bus because they used them the next day. It seems as they get older, the toys get bigger now they love bikes, scooters, robots, dinosaurs and trains. Ken REALLY wants to get rid of the little people farm, but I can not part with it- they still use their imagination when playing with it, I have to let them be creative - right????
Oh boy...the toys I thought I was going to get rid of. The bus that I will not get rid of! I can't get the tune out of my head.These Lamaze toys tore my heart out to get rid of. We have always called them "Click Clacks" and the boys used to use them all the time when they were first learning how to stack ( they are magnetic) - a great toy!!

1 comment:

  1. So the real question is - where did the toys you are getting rid of go? Are you interesting in selling any of them? I know how much you love a garage sale, lol
