Kids at this age say the most random, funniest things.
For example, Nicolas had two big grapes under their shirt ....why I didn't know at first.
Nicolas: "Two babies in belly".
Ken: "Is that where babies come from"?
Nicolas: "Yeah..Mommy's belly".
Ken: " Is that where all babies come from"?
Nicolas : "Yes..all babies".
Ken: "Even Baby Addison and Baby Lily (our friends that are a year younger than the boys) came from mommy's belly"?
Nicolas: "Yes..all babies!"
Oh Lord...thank god that is not true!!!
Another Random Conversation Last Week:
While struggling with getting Nicolas dressed in his polo shirt in a mad rush to get out of house:
Me: "Nicolas please keep your green shirt on".
Nicolas: "I DON'T WANT TO" (first that shocked me he knew how to use the word "I" correctly and that he was arguing with me).
Me: Nicolas pleassssseeee...we are going to be late.
Nicolas : I DON'T WANT To be handsome!
Wait...did I just hear that correctly? How does he know to use the word handsome in a sentence?
Me: "You don't want to be handsome? But are always handsome!"
Nicolas: "I don't want to be handsome in shirt".
Christian: "Christian handsome...Christian always handsome".
All the while, Nicolas is still on the floor rolling around continuously saying....I don't want handsome, no handsome mommy.
I guess I must always tell them how handsome they are everyday in their shirts. could anyone not feel or want to be handsome in a nice polo shirt- ha!ha! I mean, they are my favorite brand of shirts: soft, comfortable, durable and have lots of style! Well, if anything at least the kid doesn't give a hoot about what others think if he is handsome or building good self esteem at a early age...ha!ha!!!
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